Aspen to Crested Butte
Sadly Zax wasn’t able to make the trip due to new airline regulations but I still wanted to share the trip. We did the west side aspen to crested butte and the east side crested butte to aspen. Things we didn’t realize is how to park vs get a shuttle. I was under the assumption from reading online that if we showed up before 7-8am parking was first time first serve but this is not accurate. You need to pre-reserve on the aspen chamber website. So, we were lucky enough to catch the first shuttle from the hotel to the trailhead. I want to say I paid $50 for the shuttle and it was close to that for the parking as well when we got back. The transportation around was the hardest part and we had to hitchhike a bunch. The trail didn’t end in town of crested butte so had to find a way to town and back. Saturdays hike was ~11mi and Sunday’s 17mi. It was awesome seeing both sides so I recommend doing that if you have the time/ ability.