Digital Signal Processing System Design, Second...
Signals need to be processed so that the information that they contain can be displayed, analyzed, or converted to another type of signal that may be of use. In the real-world, analog products detect signals such as sound, light, temperature or pressure and manipulate them. Converters such as an Analog-to-Digital converter then take the real-world signal and turn it into the digital format of 1's and 0's. From here, the DSP takes over by capturing the digitized information and processing it. It then feeds the digitized information back for use in the real world. It does this in one of two ways, either digitally or in an analog format by going through a Digital-to-Analog converter. All of this occurs at very high speeds.
Digital Signal Processing System Design, Second...
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To illustrate this concept, the diagram below shows how a DSP is used in an MP3 audio player. During the recording phase, analog audio is input through a receiver or other source. This analog signal is then converted to a digital signal by an analog-to-digital converter and passed to the DSP. The DSP performs the MP3 encoding and saves the file to memory. During the playback phase, the file is taken from memory, decoded by the DSP and then converted back to an analog signal through the digital-to-analog converter so it can be output through the speaker system. In a more complex example, the DSP would perform other functions such as volume control, equalization and user interface.
A DSP's information can be used by a computer to control such things as security, telephone, home theater systems, and video compression. Signals may be compressed so that they can be transmitted quickly and more efficiently from one place to another (e.g. teleconferencing can transmit speech and video via telephone lines). Signals may also be enhanced or manipulated to improve their quality or provide information that is not sensed by humans (e.g. echo cancellation for cell phones or computer-enhanced medical images). Although real-world signals can be processed in their analog form, processing signals digitally provides the advantages of high speed and accuracy.
B EE 233 Circuit Theory (5)Electric circuit theory. Analysis of circuits with sinusoidal signals. Phasors, system functions, and complex frequency. Frequency response. Computer analysis of electrical circuits. Power and energy. Two port network theory. Laboratory in basic electrical engineering topics. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either B EE 215 or E E 215.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 233
B EE 271 Digital Circuits and Systems (5)Overview of digital computer systems. Digital logic, Boolean algebra, combinational and sequential circuits and logic design, programmable logic devices, and the design and operation of digital computers, including ALU, memory, and I/O. Weekly laboratories. Prerequisite: either CSS 132, CSS 142, CSE 142, or CSS 161View course details in MyPlan: B EE 271
B EE 331 Devices and Circuits I (5)Physics, characteristics, applications, analysis, and design of circuits using semiconductor diodes and field-effect transistors with an emphasis on large-signal behavior and digital logic circuits. Classroom concepts are reinforced through laboratory experiments and design exercises. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.0 in B EE 233, or a minimum grade of 2.0 in E E 233.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 331
B EE 341 Discrete Time Linear Systems (5)Discrete time signals and systems, impulse response, convolution, Z-transforms, discrete time Fourier analysis. Computer laboratory. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in either B EE 235 or E E 235.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 341
B EE 417 Digital Communication (5)Covers the basic principles and techniques of digital signal transmission and reception. Examines the process of converting analog signals to digital formats, explores various digital modulation schemes, analyzes the limitation imposed by noise on communication systems, and studies the design of optimum receivers. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 341; and STMATH 390, which may be taken concurrently.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 417
B EE 436 Biomedical Instrumentation I (5)Introduction to the basic principles of medical electronic instruments. Covers biopotentials, biosignal amplifiers, electrical safety, the design of clinical electronics and FDA regulations. Students design biomedical signal measurement systems using analog and digital circuits and perform biomedical signal analysis. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 235 or E E 235; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 332 or E E 332.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 436
B EE 437 Biomedical Instrumentation II (5)Introduction to the principles of measuring human vital signals such as blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Covers medical imaging techniques (CT, MRI, PET) and working principal of clinical ultrasound systems. Students design biomedical signal measurement systems and perform basic biomedical image and signal analysis. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 332 or E E 332.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 437
B EE 442 Digital Signal Processing (5)Examines methods and techniques of digital signal processing. Reviews sampling theorems, A/D and D/A converters, demodulation by quadrature sampling, Z-transform methods, linear shift-invariant systems, difference equations, signal flow graphs for digital networks, canonical forms, design of digital filters, practical considerations, IIR and FIR filters; and digital Fourier transforms and FFT techniques. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 341. View course details in MyPlan: B EE 442
B EE 445 Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing (5)Introduction to digital image processing emphasizing image processing techniques, image filtering design and its applications. Topics include mathematical foundations for digital manipulation of images; image pre-processing; spatial and frequency-domain filtering, morphological transformations and segmentation. Theoretical foundations and practical applications. Computer Laboratory. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 1.7 in B EE 235 or E E 235.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 445
B EE 507 Signals and Systems (3)An introduction to the mathematical representation, analysis and classification of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Topics covered include: time domain analysis of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems; Fourier Transform for continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems; digital filters; and introduction to Z-transform. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 503. Offered: Sp.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 507
B EE 509 Engineering Simulations (2)Provides an introduction to simulations techniques to solve engineering problems. Industry standard simulation tools such as MATLAB, SPICE, and LabView are introduced and intensively used in simulating design and analysis from several disciplines of electrical engineering such as signal processing, circuit design, system fault analysis, and instrumentation interface.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 509
B EE 511 Signal Processing I (5)Introduces basic digital signal processing techniques for analysis of systems and designing of digital filters. Topics include time-domain and frequency-domain analysis of discrete-time signals and systems, z-transforms; FFT; sampling and reconstruction; design of digital filters; and multi-rate signal processing.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 511
B EE 512 Signal Processing II (5)Introduces statistical signal processing which deals with random signals, their modeling, characterization, and transformation to extract useful information about the underlying mechanism that generates them. Topics include: signal modeling; optimum filtering; linear prediction and estimation; spectrum estimation; and adaptive filtering. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 510; and a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 511.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 512
B EE 515 Digital Image Processing Applications (5)Focuses on image processing techniques, image filtering design, and its applications to images acquired from various imaging techniques. Topics include spatial and frequency-domain image filtering, image reconstruction, image segmentation, color, and morphological transformation techniques, understanding and replicating methodologies from research papers. Computer Laboratory. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.5 in B EE 510.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 515
B EE 517 Wireless Communications I (5)Introduces fundamental principles of wireless communications. This course is the first of a two-course sequence. Topics include: digital modulation techniques; demodulation and detection of signals in Gaussian channels; principles of cellular communications; characteristics and modeling of wireless channels; bit-error-rate (BER) analysis of wireless system in flat-fading channels; and introduction to channel coding (Linear Block Codes). Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.7 in B EE 510.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 517
B EE 525 Embedded Systems Design (5)Focuses on course design, testing, and validation of modern embedded systems and systems-on-silicon. Topics include introduction to embedded programming languages for hardware and software, designing with FPGA cores, real-time operating systems, and modern synthesis tools.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 525
B EE 533 Biomedical Devices and Instrumentation (5)Introduction to biopotential signal; design and analysis of biomedical devices and instrumentation to acquire biosignal. FDA regulation consideration; introduction to medical imaging and signal processing including ultrasound imaging. Hardware design and simulations. There is a lab component in the class.View course details in MyPlan: B EE 533 041b061a72