Where Can I Buy Redline Energy Drink [NEW]
Redline Xtreme Energy Drink Overview VPX Redline Extreme is one of the most powerful and fast-acting ready-to-drink (RTD) energy products we've ever tested. With Redline Xtreme, VPX developed a unique blend of mental and physical energy factors that go beyond Original Redline to max out energy and intensity for whatever your day has in store. With Redline Xtreme, you won't get a sugar-induced energy crash nor will you suffer through the harsh comedown of an overly-caffeinated product. That's because Redline's ingredients work with, instead of against, your body's natural energy-producing mechanisms. If you're looking for a big time energy boost that lets you be productive and focused, Redline Xtreme is right down your alley.
where can i buy redline energy drink
Redline Xtreme Energy Drink Description from VPX Sports VPX Redline Xtreme is one of the most powerful and fast-acting, ready-to-drink (RTD) energy products we've ever tested. With Redline Xtreme, VPX developed a unique blend of mental and physical energy factors that go beyond original Redline to boost energy and intensity for whatever your day has in store.You won't get a sugar-induced energy crash, nor will you suffer the harsh comedowns so prevalent with other, overly caffeinated products. That's because Redline Xtreme's ingredients work with, instead of against, your body's natural energy-producing mechanisms. If you're looking for a big-time energy boost that lets you be productive and focused, Redline Xtreme is the perfect drink for you!
Mirabella is seeking class action status for the lawsuit, to cover all individuals who experienced similar health problems from Redline energy products. The lawsuit claims that because VPX bills the drinks as an energy supplement it should follow FDA dietary supplement guidelines, something the lawsuit says Redline packaging fails to do.
Redline energy drinks contain a high amount of caffeine and a number of other substances, which the lawsuit indicates are known to cause adverse side effects. Potentially harmful ingredients include yohimbine, vinpocetine, and 5-Hydroxytryptophan, according to the complaint, which can cause rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, headaches, dizziness and other problems at high doses.
Mirabella states that he purchased a Redline energy drink in July. Ten hours after drinking it, he indicates that he suffered from excessive heart rate, extreme chest pain, lost sensation in his hands and had extreme nausea.
As a result of the health problems from the energy drink, Mirabella claims that he was hospitalized and required two days of sedation to get his heart to return to normal. The lawsuit alleges that emergency room doctor compared the effects to those of a cocaine overdose, and warned Mirabella not to ever consume any other energy drink again, due to the risk of a similar occurrence.
The lawsuit comes shortly after the family of a 14 year old girl filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the makers of Monster energy drinks. The girl reportedly suffered cardiac arrest after consuming two 24-ounce cans of Monster within a 24-hour period.
According to allegations raised in that complaint, there has been a spike in the number of emergency room visits each year due to caffeine overdoses in recent years. The increase coincides with the increase in use of energy drinks among teens and young adults.
According to a report published in the September 2008 edition of the medical journal Drugs and Alcohol Dependence, researchers suggested that additional information needs to be provided for consumers about the risk of health problems from energy drinks, with labels clearly indicating the amount of caffeine and warning about potentially harmful side effects.
My brother is 33 years old... He was drinking redline drinks everyday at work he had a brain aneurysm 2 weeks ago.. He couldn't recover from the damage.. He died yesterday... People plz don't drink anymore of these drinks...
Iv been drinking redline products for several years, never had a single problem. I hate the fact that so many people drink these products without paying attention to the contents. The warnings are there on the cans. Yet people still drink it like it's friggin kool-aid.
Don't be a dumb ass. Follow the directions. Use common sense. If you have any health related issues you shouldn't be taking energy supplements or pre workouts anyway. If you're under the age of 18 or have a sedentary lifestyle you shouldn't take supplements that are gonna raise your heart rate. If you're over a certain age or are pregnant you shouldn't be taking pre workout supplements without t[Show More]Don't be a dumb ass. Follow the directions. Use common sense. If you have any health related issues you shouldn't be taking energy supplements or pre workouts anyway. If you're under the age of 18 or have a sedentary lifestyle you shouldn't take supplements that are gonna raise your heart rate. If you're over a certain age or are pregnant you shouldn't be taking pre workout supplements without talking to a doctor. I've been an avid user of this product for over 10 years and has never had any of the above listed side effects. Practice good hydration, sleep, and food hygiene. Do not depend on energy drinks to stay awake but as a SUPPLEMENTATION to an existing balanced lifestyle. You can't take this stuff and then sit down in front of a computer 3 hours and expect your heart not to come out of your chest. And if you don't stay hydrated yes it's going to cause you to have hypertension because of caffeine and other ingredients. You wouldn't do that with a triple shot of Espresso. Caffeine is a stimulant drug and like any stimulant drug too much of its gonna kill you so again use common sense.
Ive been drinking redline continuously for the past 6 years. Ive noticed the same side effects only in the past year. I used to have no side effects minus a few minutes of flushing when it kicked in. Now im nauseous and dry gag about 5-10 minutes after taking a single dose. Im wondering if they changed up the recipe?
I'm 26 & I have been drinking Redline Extremes daily for the last 5 years (Every Single Day ) -- Side Note : my into sounds like I'm in an Rehab Meeting ...... I just recently stopped due to the fact I found out I was having very high blood pressure when I consumed them for at least 8 Hrs @ Min then would Level out to normal . ( Im healthy BTW -- 5'10 165lb & active work environment) . It[Show More]I'm 26 & I have been drinking Redline Extremes daily for the last 5 years (Every Single Day ) -- Side Note : my into sounds like I'm in an Rehab Meeting ...... I just recently stopped due to the fact I found out I was having very high blood pressure when I consumed them for at least 8 Hrs @ Min then would Level out to normal . ( Im healthy BTW -- 5'10 165lb & active work environment) . It made me very moody and irritable and was completely screwing with how I function mentally from day to day over a long period of time drinking these daily At first they made me feel amazing till I got to the point I was only drinking them to just " feel normal " . I have done in-depth searches on the ingredients in the Redline Extremes and nothing really has a positive impact on my body or mind in my option . Yes, they did hyped meet the max and gave me great energy & NO I don't have intentions to sue them it was my own action to drink this product just like every one else . Two month since having one and i can tell a big difference , my mood and energy level is not as dependent as it use to be . I was so addicted to them I would always try and figure out or plan to make sure i always had them in quick access in the AM when i woke up or went to work ( I use to buy 2x 24pks from Bodybuilding.com ) . Sounds like a drug problem to me & I have and never once noticed it until recently . What really alarmed me was they even Haulted production to remove vinpocetine from there formula . Google search it you can't fine nothing about why they pull any of their products and reformulate and push it back into the market only some on FDA Site . Obviously there was an Forced Change Issue by FDA. Any Dietary supplement should be required to Post a link on their Website for anyone that isn't FDA approved and should be monitored & Researched very closely .. I no longer use VPX Products . I Aprox. Spent 4.5K Dollars on something to give me energy sounds & Minor Health symptoms/Reactions .. . Hope this helps anyone else that was in the same spot I was in once. - Blake
I agree teens should not be drinking energy drinks, if you look in the past teens died from fourloko monster it was teens again red bull it was teens again. Why should everyone else suffer cause those teens are not being watched making the parents bad parents. Parents need to step up and take charge of their kids.
I use redline like its a workout supplement/medication. Coffee gives me horrible heartburn, and i dont like all the sugar from monster drinks, as im diabetic. When used resposibley as a alert aid, redline is great for work as a emergency road side assistance dispatcher. As long as the directions on bottle are followed, i experience no side effects. Now with that said, I do NOT agree that it sh[Show More]I use redline like its a workout supplement/medication. Coffee gives me horrible heartburn, and i dont like all the sugar from monster drinks, as im diabetic. When used resposibley as a alert aid, redline is great for work as a emergency road side assistance dispatcher. As long as the directions on bottle are followed, i experience no side effects. Now with that said, I do NOT agree that it should be sold in gas stations next to the red bull. And you dont have to be 18 to buy it. Children should not have access to this product. what 13 year olds life is so hectic that they need this type of product?? Furthermore, children do not have the common sense and/or judgment to treat this product as a medicine. They have no fear and dont respect this redline product enough to consume it. All in all, I love redline as a 36 year old man, but dont agree with it being accessible to children. 041b061a72